The RODs of god, the staffs, the ark(s), the breastplate, the reeds, the shem, the true spear of destiny, the fire of gods, The finger of god, The DJED PILLAR, the ankh, the holy lance, The philosopher's stone, jacob's ladder & Pillow-stone, ashera poles, the fire of stones, merlin's wand, Zeus's rod, thor's hammer, the rock, the throne
Psalm 23:4 "thY rod and thy staff they comfort me".
the firestone
tree of life technology
Last seen in Ancient Egypt, last documented by MOSES, and last to describe it was the Angel of Jesus Christ in the book of Revelation. The TREE OF LIFE of EDEN, the FIRESTONE of ATLANTIS are the FOUNDATION STONE. The AXIS MUNDI, the EARTH itself. God’s footstool, God’s “finger”. the tool given by God to man in order to keep the physical, mental, and spiritual natures of mankind strong with epic longevity. The work of Edgar Cayce is one of the many ways that one can understand that ATLANTIS was EDEN, and that there was MUCH more going on in the Garden than the Bible can document. Through understanding this correlation, one can understand that the TREE OF LIFE was a TECHNOLOGY that literally SPAWNED all RELIGION.
The TREE OF LIFE of Eden and the FIRESTONE of ATLANTIS became the stuff of RELIGION, mythology, and Spirituality worldwide. The knowledge, religion, and the tools of the so-called gods, the PHARAOHS and kings of the first civilizations on Earth, were borrowed/stolen by the servants and the slaves of these kings, and this knowledge became the stuff of religion, philosophy, and secret societies worldwide.
FREE-MASONS state that they are simply mimicking the rituals of King Solomon and the ARK of the COVENANT, while most MASONS do not realize that the rituals that they undergo are EGYPTIAN, through MOSES, to SOLOMON. What Edgar Cayce, PLATO, and many other sources can relate, ATLANTIS/EDEN was moved to Ancient Egypt after the fall/destruction of Atlantis/Eden, as were the remnants and the memory of the TREE OF LIFE/FIRESTONE of the ATLANTEANS who resettled many lands across the world. Even the lands of “CANAAN”, which the Bible states were named after CAIN, otherwise known as Ancient Sumeria, had their version of the TREE OF LIFE. This is because the survivors of EDEN/ATLANTIS resettled Egypt, Sumeria, and other cities around the world, bringing the remnants and their memories of the FIRESTONE TREE OF LIFE Technology. These became the Egyptian and Sumerian “TREES of LIFE”, the Egyptian ARKS of POWER/PROMISE, MOSES’S ROD, BREASTPLATE, and ARK, as well as countless other historic, religious, spiritual, symbolic, and scientific relations to the Tree Of Life Technology, the FIRESTONE CRYSTAL of ATLANTIS.