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Edgar Cayce was the KEY to discovering the Tree Of Life Technology, through his ‘readings’ describing the FIRESTONE. There was NO WAY for Edgar Cayce to know that the tools that he called the FIRESTONE, were really the technology of the Tree Of Life. First of all, no one, not even him, could FIND or decode the CODE of the FIRESTONE or the Tree Of Life without understanding the VOGEL CRYSTAL. I (Apollo) literally had a Classic Vogel Crystal sitting in front of me when I first found and read Cayce’s FIRESTONE texts. I have met others that have done the same; Who have known about the Vogel Crystal while they read Cayce’s readings, but they didn’t see the TRUTH, the potential, or the LIGHT. Marcel Vogel himself was very interested in Cayce’s work, but there have been TIME-LOCKS and barriers on this work, even the barrier of LIFE-SPAN in the case of Marcel Vogel. I feel that the internet itself was crucial to the discovery, and as the Bible says, the Angel of Christ GUARDS the way to the Tree Of Life, and as texts attributed to the Egyptian god THOTH state that THOTH’s own spirit guards the way to his (Atlantean ROD) technology. Regardless of the metaphysical ‘guardians’, it is CLEAR that there have been physical, mental, spiritual, and yes, very metaphysical blocks and guards which have kept the way to, and the way of the Tree Of Life hidden and just out of the reach of mankind for thousands of years. I believe that there are those who know, who have always known, but they are content to profit from their knowledge of, and their hiding of the Tree Of Life.

the firestone
the ark
the covenant
the tree of life technologies

Edgar Cayce was the KEY to discovering the Tree Of Life Technology, through his ‘readings’ describing the FIRESTONE. There was NO WAY for Edgar Cayce to know that the tools that he called the FIRESTONE, were really the technology of the Tree Of Life. First of all, no one, not even him, could FIND or decode the CODE of the FIRESTONE or the Tree Of Life without understanding the VOGEL CRYSTAL. I (Apollo) literally had a Classic Vogel Crystal sitting in front of me when I first found and read Cayce’s FIRESTONE texts. I have met others that have done the same; Who have known about the Vogel Crystal while they read Cayce’s readings, but they didn’t see the TRUTH, the potential, or the LIGHT. Marcel Vogel himself was very interested in Cayce’s work, but there have been TIME-LOCKS and barriers on this work, even the barrier of LIFE-SPAN in the case of Marcel Vogel. I feel that the internet itself was crucial to the discovery, and as the Bible says, the Angel of Christ GUARDS the way to the Tree Of Life, and as texts attributed to the Egyptian god THOTH state that THOTH’s own spirit guards the way to his (Atlantean ROD) technology. Regardless of the metaphysical ‘guardians’, it is CLEAR that there have been physical, mental, spiritual, and yes, very metaphysical blocks and guards which have kept the way to, and the way of the Tree Of Life hidden and just out of the reach of mankind for thousands of years. I believe that there are those who know, who have always known, but they are content to profit from their knowledge of, and their hiding of the Tree Of Life.

CONCLUSIONS: I had to come to the conclusion that the story of Eden is just that, a STORY. Essentially a children’s story designed so that ALL men and women, no matter their level of intelligence or maturity, can all understand and gain knowledge and perspective from this story. The Bible states that Adam lived nearly 1000 years, and I have correlated that it was actually much longer, regardless, there is NO WAY to embody or to actually relate the story of any man’s life within a couple of pages, as the Bible does in describing Adam’s life. The FACT is that there was MUCH more going on in the times of Eden than the Bible can relay, and the story of EDEN can be correlated and related to the time and place(s) known as ATLANTIS. Regardless of the name, all cultures tell similar stories of mankind’s creation, evolution, and initial proliferation. The being that the Bible calls ADAM, indeed is remembered worldwide  by MANY names by countless cultures, and I will be presenting that research and correlations soon, but the FACT is that the man known as ADAM had a technology, a TREE OF LIFE Technology and that tool has been symbolically represented and re-embodied in many forms throughout the ages since ADAM.


It is also CLEAR that the Biblical RODS, from ADAM’S grandchildren’s “REEDS” which the Bible describes their using to perform genetic experiments to evolve their animals, to the RODS, REEDS, STAFFS, SHEMS, of Abraham, JOB, Moses, Aaron, Solomon, David, and many other Biblical Patriarchs, were ALL ARC VOGEL and Vogel Crystals. On the other hand, the Bible also describes “ASHERA POLES”, which are also versions of the Tree Of Life ARC VOGEL Crystals. The FACT is that ADAM’s Tree Of Life Technology was passed to his progeny, into CAIN’s CANAANITE/Sumerian lands where the ASHERA Poles originated. From Adam, and to the generations to follow, all the way to the time of Jesus, there have been stories of the remnants of the Tree Of Life Technologies. MOSES clearly used and HID the technology of the Tree Of Life from his followers within the ARK of the Covenant, and confusing the power of the ARK by hiding the ROD of Aaron within the ARK and putting the GEMS of the FIRESTONE within the BREASTPLATE of Aaron. Then, to cause further confusion, the LAW of MOSES made “RODOMANCY”, which means ROD-MAGIC, illegal and punishable by death; BUT Moses was actively and openly performing RODOMANCY through the plagues he set upon Egypt and splitting the Red Sea with his and Aaron’s RODS as he led and fed the Israelites with the RODS of the Covenant.

Through Biblical studies, most pastors and scholars agree to some degree or another, that the Biblical RODS, including but not limited to Moses and Aaron’s, were composed simply of WOOD. This is an incorrect extrapolation of what the Bible only eludes to, as the Bible itself NEVER directly tells the material composition of the RODS of God, the Biblical RODS. The fact that the Bible carefully hides the material, is in itself, a hints the importance, and also to a CODE. The FACT is that the RODS were NOT the wood sticks, and the Bible NEVER states that they were wooden. It is simply an assumption, an incorrect extapolation of the evidence presented. Thus, purposefully causing countless people to ASSUME, and to assume incorrectly, and that is DOGMA. So with that, one is left to speculate, but only until one digs into ancient HEBREW and RABBINIC accounts of the RODS which state that the RODS were composed of hand-carved STONE, CRYSTALS. So further research can inform the seeker that that the RODS were made of CRYSTAL, and that stone crystal is LIKELY QUARTZ. That leads to the obvious question of ‘WHAT SHAPE were the STONE RODS of the Bible?’ As I walked this path to realizing the REALITY of the RODS of Moses and of the Bible, I came to that obvious question. That question led me to the TREE OF LIFE, the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. I realized that Kabbalists say that their religion is older than Moses, and that it goes back to Ancient Egypt. I realized that Kabbalist followed Moses and didn’t leave Moses like many, if not most of the Israelites did. Kabbalists, who are considered an ‘esoteric’ sect of the Hebrew religion, but who followed Moses, and to this day they keep the MEMORY and venerate the SHAPE of what they still call THE “Tree Of Life”.  A Tree Of Life (ROD) that Moses had, but also which they saw the Pharaohs and their Sorcerers wield, so they were loyal to Moses because he had the emblem, the tool of their former captive’s power and religion. Kabbalists say that shape contains EVERYTHING and represents EVERYTHING and all possibilities. They say that it is the ‘name of God’ and the ‘Finger of God’. They say that it represents ‘all potential’, all of nature, all of physics, all of science, all of the cosmos. The same names and analogies were used to describe the RODS of Moses and other RODS of God within the Bible, and the same describes the TREE OF LIFE, the Book of Life, and ARC VOGEL Crystals®. The most perfect sacred geometrical shape, holding the primary and fundamental blueprints for all things manifest and for all things possible. It represents and holds all of science and all of religion; The fundamentals of all creations, and the potentials of all paths of all evolution. The GEMS, the QUARTZ, the TREE OF LIFE Tech.

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